Veneer: Maple 100% Canadian

$ 6.00 CAD

This is Maple veneer, PERFECTLY suitable for board making.

It takes stain finishing and dies VERY well, so you can colour and stain your plies.

Comes in 1 pack, 5 Sheets: Enough to make 1 deck.

Veneer: Birch 100% Canadian

$ 7.00 CAD

This is Birch veneer, PERFECTLY suitable for board making.

It takes stain finishing and dies VERY well, so you can colour and stain your plies.

Comes in 1 pack, 5 Sheets: Enough to make 1 deck.

Also good to make exotic looking decks.

Mixed Veneer: 100% Canadian!!!

$ 10.00 CAD

This pack (as pictured above) features a maple and birch combination.

It will be the best for pop, and provides a good contrast for shades.

It is also 100% Canadian veneer, no composites, so you can die and stain it to colour your wood!

Great veneer!

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